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Skin Analysis API / SDK

Provides multi-dimensional detailed skin analysis on the skin, comprehensive detection and identification of skin color, skin smoothness, acne spots, wrinkles, pores, blackheads, dark circles and eye bags, etc., accurate to such as blood vessel dark circles, acne marks, etc. detail

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Skincare shopping can’t get more personal than this. Just snap a few selfies and our estheticians will analyze your skin for free. Within minutes you will have a personal skincare shop where all products match your unique skin and its concerns. Download Skeen app & enjoy the future of skincare shopping



Skin Analysis API Documents


Provides multi-dimensional detailed skin analysis on the skin, comprehensive detection and identification of skin color, skin smoothness, acne spots, wrinkles, pores, blackheads, dark circles and eye bags, etc., accurate to such as blood vessel dark circles, acne marks, etc. detail.

  • Skin color detection: skin color detection on the face in the picture, supports 1-6 blocks, the smaller the number, the lighter the color
  • Skin smoothness detection: the skin smoothness detection of the face in the picture, supports 1-4 gears, the smaller the number, the smoother the skin
  • Pimple spot detection: detect all kinds of acne (acne, acne marks, nodules), spots (chloasma, freckles, sunburn, age spots), moles on face pictures,
  • Wrinkle detection: It can detect all kinds of wrinkles in the face (forehead wrinkles, Sichuan character lines, fine lines around the eyes, crow’s feet, nasolabial lines, and perioral lines), and subdivide the contour coordinates of each wrinkle.
  • Dark circles and eye bags detection: high-precision detection of dark circles (pigment type, shadow type, blood vessel type) and eye bags (fat type, tear groove type, mixed type) around the eyes of the face
  • Blackhead pore detection: detect blackheads in the nose area (fat plug, silk type, mite type) and obvious pores in the forehead and cheek areas (shiny type, dehydrated type, keratin type, aging type)
  • Skin health detection: detect the face visa image array, and return the gray image, brown image, and red image
  • Dry oil tolerance analysis: analyze the dry and oily skin of the forehead, nose, left face, right face, and chin area, and detect the overall skin sensitivity tolerance

Application scenarios

  • Skin managementRecord the daily analysis results and care records of the skin in the health management software, form a skin care diary, help users or businesses record changes in the skin condition of customers, and track skin care effects.
  • Cosmetics marketingThe online skincare & cosmetics marketing page provides targeted skincare effect demonstrations, providing interesting gameplay and experience.
  • Smart medical beautyIn the medical cosmetology scene, it provides analysis and self-diagnosis before medical cosmetology, provides analysis data of skin condition, and provides reference for product selection.

Technical advantages

  • Comprehensive testingThe skin condition can be analyzed comprehensively and meticulously from more than 10 dimensions, showing professional and accurate skin problems.
  • Accurate resultsIt can provide professional-level skin detection accuracy, accurately mark millimeter-level skin blemishes, and all kinds of skin problems can be seen at a glance.
  • Stable serviceIt can provide enterprise-level stable and accurate high-traffic services, with millisecond-level recognition and response capabilities and 99.9% reliability guarantee.

Request Description

Choose one of image and url fields. The image field value is preferred.

  • Image requirements
    • Image format: JPGPNGBMP.
    • Image size: no more than 8 MB.
    • Image resolution: Below 1920×1080.
  • Request Parameters
Field Required Type Scope Description
image and url two choose one file
url and image two choose one string Image full URL. URL length does not exceed 1024 bytes.
max_face_num NO int 1 – 10 The maximum number of faces that can be processed. The default value is 1 (only the face with the largest area in the picture is detected); the maximum value is 10.
face_field NO string Including [colorsmoothacnespotmolewrinkleeyesattrblackheadporeskinfaceskinfaceskinquality] information, separated by commas, and the order can be changed. By default, only [face_tokenlocation] is returned.

Response Description

  • Response Parameters
Field Required Type Description
face_num Yes int The number of faces in the picture
face_list Yes array See below for face information list field information
face_token Yes string Face logo
location Yes array The position of the face in the picture
+left Yes double The distance of the face area from the left border
+top Yes double The distance of the face area from the upper boundary
+width Yes double The width of the face area
+height Yes double The height of the face area
+degree Yes int The clockwise rotation angle of the face frame relative to the vertical direction, [-180,180]
skin Yes array Skin related information
+color no int Skin tone grading, 1~6, the smaller the skin tone, the lighter the skin tone
+smooth no int Skin smoothness grading, 1~4, the smaller the smoother
acnespotmole no array Information about mole spots
+acne_num no int Number of acne detected
+acne_list no array Acne list
+++type no int Acne type, the value range is 0-3. [0: Whitehead; 1: Acne mark; 2: Pustules; 3: Nodules]
+++score no double The confidence range for this area is 0~1
+++left no double The distance between the left border of the acne area and the left border of the picture
+++top no double The distance between the upper border of the acne area and the upper border of the picture
+++right no double The distance between the right border of the acne area and the left border of the picture
+++bottom no double The distance between the bottom border of the acne area and the top border of the picture
+speckle_num no int Number of spots
+speckle_list no array Spot information list
+++type no int Spot type, the value range is 0-3. [0: chloasma chloasma; 1: freckles freckle; 2: sunburn sunburn; 3: age spots agespot]
+++score no double The confidence range of this area is 0~1
+++left no double The distance between the left border of the spot area and the left border of the picture
+++top no double The distance between the upper border of the spot area and the upper border of the picture
+++right no double The distance between the right border of the spot area and the left border of the picture
+++bottom no double The distance between the bottom border of the spot area and the top border of the picture
+mole_num no int Number of moles
+mole_list no array Mole information list
+++score no double This area is the confidence range of moles 0~1
+++left no double The distance between the left border of the mole area and the left border of the picture
+++top no double The distance between the upper border of the mole area and the upper border of the picture
+++right no double The distance between the right border of the mole area and the left border of the picture
+++bottom no double The distance between the lower border of the mole area and the upper border of the picture
wrinkle no array Wrinkle information
+wrinkle_num no int Number of wrinkles
+wrinkle_types no int Wrinkle types: 1 forehead wrinkles, 2 Sichuan-shaped lines, 3 fine lines around the eyes, 4 crow’s feet, 5 nasolabial lines, 6 wrinkles around the mouth
+wrinkle_data no array Wrinkle information
+++x no double The distance from the wrinkle point to the left border
+++y no double The distance between the wrinkle point and the upper boundary
eyesattr no array Eye attribute information
+dark_circle_left_type no int Types of dark circles in the left eye: 0 pigment type, 1 shadow type, 2 vascular type
+dark_circle_right_type no int Types of dark circles in the right eye: 0 pigment type, 1 shadow type, 2 vascular type
+dark_circle_left no array Dark circles on the left eye
+++x no double The distance of the dark circle from the left border
+++y no double The distance of the dark circle from the upper boundary
+dark_circle_right no array Dark circles on the right eye
+++x no double The distance of the dark circle from the left border
+++y no double The distance of the dark circle from the upper boundary
+eye_bags_left no array Left eye bag
+++x no double The distance of the eye bag from the left border
+++y no double The distance between the bags under the eyes and the upper boundary
+eye_bags_right no array Right eye bag
+++x no double The distance of the eye bag from the left border
+++y no double The distance between the bags under the eyes and the upper boundary
+eye_bags_left_type no array Left eye bag type: 1 Fat type 2 Tear groove type 3 Mixed type
+eye_bags_right_type no array Types of bags under the right eye: 1 Fat type 2 Tear groove type 3 Mixed type
blackheadpore no array Blackhead pore information
+poly no array Areas where blackhead pores are detected
+++class_id no int Blackhead or pore identification (0 means blackhead, 1 means pore)
+++score no double Probability (0-1)
+++left no double The location of the left boundary of the area
+++right no double Location of the right boundary of the area
+++top no double The location of the upper boundary of the area
+++bottom no double The location of the lower boundary of the area
+++point no array Outer contour points of pores or blackheads
+++++x no double The distance of the pore or blackhead from the left border
+++++y no double The distance of the pores or blackheads from the upper boundary
+circles no array Center point and radius of pores or blackheads
+++blackhead no array Center point and radius of all blackheads
+++++x no double The distance from the center point of the black head to the left boundary
+++++y no double The distance from the center point of the black head to the upper boundary
+++++r no double Blackhead radius
+++pore Yes array Center point and radius of all pores
+++++x no double The distance between the center point of the pore and the left boundary
+++++y no double The distance between the center point of the pore and the upper boundary
+++++r no double Pore ​​radius
+pore_num Yes int Number of pores
+pore_segs_type Yes array Pore ​​type: 1 is oily type 2 is dehydrated type 3 is keratinous type 4 is aging type
+blackhead_num Yes int Number of blackhead spots
+blackhead_segs_type Yes array Blackhead type: 1 is fat plug type 2 is fat silk type 3 is mite type
skinface no array Skin health test
+skin_health_check_images no array Skin health detection face visa image array, base64 array
++src_pic no string Original image BASE64 string
++gray_pic no string Gray image picture BASE64 string
++brown_pic no string Brown picture picture BASE64 string
++red_pic no string Red picture image BASE64 string
skinquality no array Analysis of Tolerance of Dry Skin Oil
+skin_dryoil_check no array Array of dry and oily skin fields, example: [“0”,“1”,“0”,“0”,“0”],//“0”:“dry”,“1”:“neutral”, “2”: “oily”, which represents the forehead, nose, left cheek, right cheek, and chin in order.
+skin_sensitive_check no array Array of skin tolerance fields, example: [“2”] // “0”: “tolerance”, “1”: “neutral”, “2”: “sensitive”
  • Response Example
  • Success Example
    "error_code": 0,
    "error_msg": "SUCCESS",
    "log_id": 2808577356,
    "timestamp": 1601264808,
    "cached": 0,
    "result": {
        "face_num": 1,
        "face_list": [
                "face_token": "5b85d6d0f9d4044e0cc829ea4be7fab5",
                "location": {
                    "left": 313.97,
                    "top": 417.37,
                    "width": 571,
                    "height": 634,
                    "degree": 5
                "skin": {
                    "color": 1,
                    "smooth": 2
                "acnespotmole": {
                    "acne_num": 1,
                    "acne_list": [
                            "score": 0.17,
                            "left": 497.41,
                            "top": 1008.46,
                            "right": 505.14,
                            "bottom": 1015.24
                    "speckle_num": 58,
                    "speckle_list": [
                            "score": 0.86,
                            "left": 401.54,
                            "top": 662.49,
                            "right": 408.68,
                            "bottom": 669.79
                            "score": 0.14,
                            "left": 411.88,
                            "top": 865.42,
                            "right": 422.07,
                            "bottom": 876.26
                            "score": 0.11,
                            "left": 693.47,
                            "top": 961.55,
                            "right": 697.87,
                            "bottom": 966.09
                            "score": 0.1,
                            "left": 415.18,
                            "top": 792.46,
                            "right": 420.27,
                            "bottom": 797.48
                    "mole_num": 1,
                    "mole_list": [
                            "score": 0.7,
                            "left": 822.29,
                            "top": 436.85,
                            "right": 827.39,
                            "bottom": 445.09
                "eyesattr": {
                    "dark_circle_left_type": [0],
                    "dark_circle_right_type": [0],
                    "dark_circle_left": [
                                "x": 682,
                                "y": 632
                                "x": 682,
                                "y": 634
                                "x": 681,
                                "y": 635
                                "x": 680,
                                "y": 635
                                "x": 702,
                                "y": 635
                                "x": 698,
                                "y": 635
                                "x": 697,
                                "y": 634
                                "x": 697,
                                "y": 632
                    "dark_circle_right": [
                                "x": 402,
                                "y": 612
                                "x": 402,
                                "y": 613
                                "x": 401,
                                "y": 614
                                "x": 415,
                                "y": 614
                                "x": 414,
                                "y": 613
                                "x": 414,
                                "y": 612
                    "eye_bags_left": [
                                "x": 694,
                                "y": 644
                                "x": 694,
                                "y": 645
                                "x": 693,
                                "y": 646
                                "x": 692,
                                "y": 646
                                "x": 708,
                                "y": 646
                                "x": 707,
                                "y": 645
                                "x": 707,
                                "y": 644
                    "eye_bags_right": [
                                "x": 694,
                                "y": 644
                                "x": 694,
                                "y": 645
                                "x": 707,
                                "y": 645
                                "x": 707,
                                "y": 644
                "blackheadpore": {
                    "poly": [
                            "class_id": 0,
                            "score": 0.57,
                            "left": 521,
                            "right": 610,
                            "top": 645,
                            "bottom": 792,
                            "point": [
                                    "x": 555,
                                    "y": 653
                                    "x": 555,
                                    "y": 653
                                    "x": 560,
                                    "y": 653
                                    "x": 558,
                                    "y": 653
                                    "x": 558,
                                    "y": 653
                                    "x": 557,
                                    "y": 653
                                    "x": 557,
                                    "y": 653
                            "class_id": 1,
                            "score": 0.98,
                            "left": 371,
                            "right": 476,
                            "top": 653,
                            "bottom": 813,
                            "point": [
                                    "x": 417,
                                    "y": 661
                                    "x": 422,
                                    "y": 666
                                    "x": 422,
                                    "y": 666
                                    "x": 420,
                                    "y": 664
                                    "x": 420,
                                    "y": 664
                                    "x": 420,
                                    "y": 662
                                    "x": 420,
                                    "y": 662
                                    "x": 418,
                                    "y": 661
                                    "x": 418,
                                    "y": 661
                            "class_id": 1,
                            "score": 0.97,
                            "left": 652,
                            "right": 750,
                            "top": 683,
                            "bottom": 845,
                            "point": [
                                    "x": 666,
                                    "y": 689
                                    "x": 666,
                                    "y": 689
                                    "x": 671,
                                    "y": 693
                                    "x": 669,
                                    "y": 693
                                    "x": 669,
                                    "y": 693
                                    "x": 667,
                                    "y": 691
                                    "x": 667,
                                    "y": 691
                                    "x": 667,
                                    "y": 689
                                    "x": 667,
                                    "y": 689
                    "circles": [
                            "blackhead": [
                                    "x": 573,
                                    "y": 777,
                                    "r": 1
                                    "x": 560,
                                    "y": 775,
                                    "r": 1
                                    "x": 565,
                                    "y": 768,
                                    "r": 1
                                    "x": 565,
                                    "y": 764,
                                    "r": 1
                                    "x": 552,
                                    "y": 762,
                                    "r": 1
                            "pore": [
                                    "x": 697,
                                    "y": 835,
                                    "r": 1
                                    "x": 425,
                                    "y": 802,
                                    "r": 2
                                    "x": 687,
                                    "y": 708,
                                    "r": 1
                "skinface": {
                    "skin_health_check_images": {
                        "src_pic": "AD..",
                        "gray_pic": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgAB",
                        "brown_pic": "AQAAAQABAA",
                        "red_pic": "D/2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDA"
                "skinquality": {
                    "skin_dryoil_check": ["0", "1", "0", "0", "0"],
                    "skin_sensitive_check": ["2"]
  • Error Example
    "error_code": 500,  
    "error_msg": "ERROR",     
    "log_id": 1234567890123,     
    "timestamp": 1533094576,     
    "cached": 0, 
    "result": null
     "error_code": 500,
     "error_msg": "Error Message"


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Depending on your plan’s specification, you will either incur overage charges or be suspended.

When will I be billed?

We charge your credit card upon subscription to an API’s plan and at the next recurring interval.

How are refunds handled?

For refund requests, please contact us at [email protected]